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The Benefits Of Dog Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is a useful tool in the rehabilitation of patients post injury or surgery.

Once sutures have been removed and the referring veterinary surgeon is happy to start a programme of recovery, hydrotherapy can begin, with the aim being to return the patient to the same level of movement prior to injury.

The animal often has a lack of balance post surgery, but the water can take up to 80% of the dog’s weight.

This allows the dog to learn to walk by only taking a small amount of weight on the dog’s limbs initially.

Once the weight bearing starts to improve and the muscle starts to build up the water level can be reduced to encourage greater movement of the affected limb.

Dogs that have had cruciate ligament damage or surgery do particularly well with this form of rehabilitation.

The water walker can be used to encourage fitness in young dogs, or older dogs that have a degree of muscle wastage.

The warm water is particularly soothing for arthritic joints by increasing blood supply to the area.

The treadmill can be used to increase stamina in old or young already fit dogs by providing a cardiovascular work out.

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Hereford's Dog Hydrotherapy Treatment Centre

Hydrotherapy Is A Useful Tool In Rehabilitation

Obesity is an increasing problem and a programme of twice weekly sessions in the treadmill in conjunction with dietary control can provide a reliable and positive approach to the problem.

Young dogs with congenital conditions such as hip dysplasia benefit from hydrotherapy as a great way of building up musculature that has wasted due to the condition.

Stamina and cardiovascular fitness will consequently improve in these cases.